En noviembre del 2020 docentes de Colombia y Chile, de distintos grados y áreas de conocimiento, se unieron a la primera versión de la Academia de Acción Climática (en adelante AAC).
La AAC es un programa de formación virtual, liderado por 2811 con apoyo de aliados técnicos, enfocado en cambio climático y acción climática, en el que los docentes adquieren herramientas y conocimientos para incluir estas temáticas en los currículos a nivel local y tienen una mejor preparación para enseñar sobre estas temáticas a través de una perspectiva interdisciplinaria.
Collaborative Guide to Teaching Climate Action
Between January and April 2021, 70 teachers from across the United States and abroad, of distinct grade levels and subject areas, joined the first english cohorts of the Climate Action Academy. Led by 2811 and Climate-KIC Young Innovators, the Climate Action Academy is an interactive, 10-hour online training for educators who seek to empower youth with the knowledge and skills to transform climate concern into action. Participants receive educational resources on climate change, join a network of sustainability-minded teachers, are guided to accelerate sustainability programs in their schools and earn a certificate from Climate-KIC.This book is a compilation of the didactic lesson plans that were designed by the teachers. The book aims to provide the participants with ideas for engaging their classrooms in climate awareness and action, and also serves to invite more teachers to participate in the next iteration of the program. This is the second edition of the lesson plan book, containing the experiences of teachers participating in the first two cohorts of the program, which we hope to grow and continue to keep as an open resource-sharing platform that includes future cohorts of the Climate Action Academy.
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Guías didácticas para la Acción Climáticas

Rellena el formulario y descarga esta Guía que tenemos para ti!
Fill in the form and download this Guide that we have for you!
When the Covid-19 pandemic took the world by storm at the beginning of 2020, teachers around the world were asked to quickly digitize their classes. This transition to digital education was paired with newfound challenges and opportunities. In order to support these challenge, TEDDY (Teacher's Experiential Development of Digital skills through the Young innovator's program) was created.Through this project, 2811, Stichting Technotrend, AESS and Solutions for the Planet have been able to created thanks to the Erasmus+ funding a Toolkit to support teachers on these journey of digital transition.
This toolkit provides an overview of the tools and skills for teachers who want to reap the benefits of digital education. It offers guidance for which tools to use for key educational practices. This menu of tools is complemented with step-by-step instructions on how to use the tools as well as tips on what to pay attention to. The toolkit focuses on two frequently used pedagogical practices; fostering interaction between students and designing original content.
To facilitate your understanding of these tools, this toolkit contains comics pointing out good practices and exercises to apply the lessons learned.The tools and tips presented throughout this toolkit are those we deemed most applicable to climate change education as well as other subject areas based on our search and personal experience. We sincerely hope they help you to incorporate the possibilities of digital education.

2021 was the second year of the Climate Action Academy. In 2021, our team trained 346 teachers on skills for climate action, with participants from Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Portugal, the USA, and beyond. In our evaluations, participating teachers reported the following results:
a 23% increase in confidence to include climate change and climate action in the classroom
a 39% increase in access to pedagogical material associated with climate change and climate action
a 45% increase in knowledge and methodologies to activate the educational community for climate action; and
a 28% increase in participation in projects related to climate action
This year we will continue bringing climate action to school communities. Reach out if you want to be part of this change.